Friday, September 12, 2008

Enterprises tapping the benefits of using open source software and contributing to it

Open source model is beginning to mature and move beyond ISVs and into the enterprise world. A new trend in Eclipse indicates that enterprises are beginning to develop and contribute code to Eclipse projects.

The Eclipse Swordfish, TigerStripe, Open Financial Market platform and Open System Engineering Environment Projects are all based on code contributed by enterprises that use open-source technology.

This means the promise and principle of open source has reached the enterprise, in that not only are enterprises adopting open-source technology for internal development projects, they are using it to develop technology that they in turn want to contribute back to the community.

Aghreni technologies started at Banglore, India realising the potential of open-source technologies and solutions and its impact on society and enterprises, is focussing on providing open source technology services and solutions. It provides product incubation and services on open source technologies like Java, perl and php. It has an interesting mix of services on open source technologies and trying to promote them in a big way. It has also embarked in creating the talent pool locally through their education services targetted at college students who would like to build their career on open source technologies early in their college.

For more information on the company, you can visit their website or drop an email at

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